To help you smash your exams and head into the season worry-free, we're sharing a few of our best study tips and motivation to keep you on track.
Top 5 Study Tips for Smashing your Summer Exams
Summer is just around the corner. The days are getting warmer and the temptation to lay around in the sun and savour the longer days is real. But there’s still the one last hurdle to take care of before you ditch the books and enjoy some downtime – summer exams. There’s no need to stress about it. To help you smash your exams and head into the season worry-free, we’re sharing a few of our best study tips and motivation to keep you on track. Give these studying techniques go, and you’ll no doubt feel more relaxed and focused come test time.
1. Team up with a friend
It can be difficult to concentrate when the weather is warm. If your mind starts to wander and you find yourself daydreaming about Pimm’s cups and picnics at the park, consider switching up your study routine to make it more social. Get a few friends together for a study session and help keep each other accountable. You can brainstorm potential test questions, practise past exam papers and swap study notes. Your friends might have handy acronyms and other revision techniques that could be helpful, and they can support and encourage you if you're feeling stressed. If the sun starts to beckon, you can take your study group outdoors and embrace the fresh air. This will also give you a much-needed energy boost and help you stay focused for longer.
2. Make a plan and stick to it
Everyone has different study goals and time periods in which to achieve these. With your summer 2023 exam dates in hand, it’s time to stop procrastinating and get serious. While some students have been dutifully studying throughout the year, others may be tempted to cram in their study sessions in the days and weeks leading up to the exam. Whatever your study method, the best way to study effectively in the time you have, is to make a plan and stick to it. You can do this by creating a structured study timetable or setting study goals for each day and ticking off the topics one by one once completed. There are loads of study tips and resources online to help you in preparing for exams. In fact, student vlogger and Scape resident, Macerly has plenty of helpful advice on how to organise your studies on her channel – feel free to go and check it out!
3. Practice makes perfect
Did you know that once we learn information for the first time, up to 70% is forgotten after 24 hours? Scary, right? Because of this, you need to practice recalling the information you’re trying to absorb again and again to help make it stick. You can practice completing a past paper, timing yourself writing an essay or testing your knowledge with flashcards. It’s also been shown that information can be retained better if notes are handwritten instead of typed. So, while it may be tempting to type up your revision notes for ease, grab a pen and paper as you’re more likely to absorb handwritten summaries. Try these 8 quick revision tips to make sure you’re well prepared. Remember every student learns differently and the best way of revision is the one that works for you. Find what works and follow the same steps each time you get ready for a test. This will help calm your nerves so you can tackle your exams with confidence.
4. Give yourself a break
One of the best study tips you can incorporate is taking a break. Studies have shown that we concentrate best in 45-minute intervals before our brains begin to lose steam and limit focus. Find out what works best for you and allow yourself some study breaks in between. It’s important to use your study breaks wisely – leave your workspace, get some fresh air and natural light and make sure to keep your energy levels up with nutritious study snacks, like mixed nuts, eggs and berries. This way, when it’s time to knuckle down and get your head back in your books you’ll be feeling much more focused and motivated to keep going.
5. Be kind to yourself
We know that exams can be really stressful and the pressure to perform well can feel daunting. Here are some simple strategies to help beat exam anxiety so you can approach your exams with a calm and confident spirit. Remember, you’re not in this alone and one test doesn’t define you. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, there’s always someone on hand to help at Scape. You can send us a message on the Scape student app anytime. Our team are mental health trained and can provide support or just someone to talk to. Steer clear of these common study mistakes and make sure you’re not studying (or socialising!) too late in the day so you can get plenty of quality sleep as this can improve positive brain performance. Likewise, ensure you’re eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet to keep your energy levels up and take exercise breaks when you can. Making sure to incorporate these study tips into your daily routine will ensure your physical and mental wellbeing is maintained and will help you study to the best of your ability. Good luck with your summer exams!