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Checking out: 5 things to do before you leave Scape

Here are some tips for making your checkout as smooth as possible.

It’s the end of the academic year and summer is well underway. This means some people will also be checking out of Scape for good. From cleaning out the fridge to packing up, here are some tips for making your checkout as simple as possible. 

Find out key information from reception.

So, it’s time to head home. Have you picked a specific day earlier than the end of the tenancy? Have you agreed on this with the residence manager? Do you know what time you need to be fully moved out? Do you know where to hand back your keys to? It is important to head down to your reception and find out all the key information ahead of time.      

Remember to change your address.

Give your bank and other important services your new postal address. The last thing you want to be doing is chasing mail later down the line. 

Clean your flat.

Your room and the kitchen should be left as clean as possible. You are responsible for making sure that your room and any communal areas are clean. If you don’t, you may be charged. Remember to check the fridge, freezer and any food cupboards. 

Donate what you don’t want.

Ask reception for details on our red donation boxes dotted around each Scape property. Alternatively, there are many charities in London who are grateful for donations of clothes and household items. 

Hand in your Scape Card.

Before you leave Scape, please hand in your key card to reception. 


  • Have you confirmed what date and time you are moving out?

  • Have you changed your address?

  • Have you arranged for suitable transport and parking?

  • Has a check-out inspection been arranged or discussed?

  • Is your room empty and clean?

  • Are the communal areas clean, and has the rubbish been taken out?

  • Are your kitchen cupboards, fridge, and freezer 100% empty?

  • Have you asked about the deposit return process?

  Great. You’re all set. We wish you the best of luck with whatever you go on to do after Scape.