Modern Slavery act
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our anti-slavery and human trafficking statement for 2018.
Scape Student Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 12681556 and have our registered office at 4 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, HG3 1GY. Our main trading address is Scape Shoreditch, Works House, 45 Brunswick Place, London N1 6DX. Our VAT number is 167369764. We are operators of purpose-built student accommodation across the UK, with a head office London and finance office in Harrogate.
Scape Student Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 12681556 and have our registered office at 4 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, HG3 1GY. Our main trading address is Scape Shoreditch, Works House, 45 Brunswick Place, London N1 6DX. Our VAT number is 12442982. We are operators of purpose-built student accommodation across the UK, with a head office London and finance office in Harrogate.
Other associated companies that this notice applies to include; Scape Development Management Ltd (11720754), Scape Operations Ltd (13719075).
We are fundamentally opposed to slavery and committed to understanding the risk of it and ensuring it does not occur anywhere within our business or supply chain. We see this as fundamental to being a responsible and sustainable business; having trusted, open and valued relationships with our suppliers, Education Providers who partner with us and students who make us their choice for living while at University.
The Company has over 152 employees (as at 1 August 2022). The employees operate the nine properties primarily in and around London as well as Dublin, with 3,738 beds.
We have Code of Conduct and Ethics policies which (among other things) sets out our commitment to ensure all employment with us is on a voluntary basis. Our expectation that all employees conduct business in accordance with the highest standards of business and personal ethics, which includes always acting honestly, with integrity and without discrimination. We reinforce this through our induction and training. We provide guidance and training to support employee understanding of our values, brand and behaviours.
Our supply chain comprises primarily UK based suppliers or specialist contractors providing goods or services in the UK. These are mostly property management related services (such as property preventative and reactive maintenance, lifecycle works, as well as other technical services related to utilities, health & safety, IT etc. There are also real estate services such as development, construction and property refurbishment).
We consider our highest risk areas in relation to slavery and human trafficking as being in our supply chain (rather than our employee base), particularly in connection with the sourcing by suppliers of construction material, certain goods and the provision of manual labour in management services and property development. While nearly all our direct suppliers are based in the UK, some of these suppliers source some materials from around the world.
We continue to review this risk assessment and monitor our activity here as part our broader approach to ensuring we are a responsible and sustainable business.